Geo-Blocking and Why You Would Want to Bypass It

Geo-Blocking and Why You Would Want to Bypass It

The internet is a treasure trove of information, but that doesn’t mean some aspects aren’t blocked to you. Your geolocation plays a significant role in the type of information you can view, sometimes to your detriment. Various ways to bypass these restrictions exist, like using a US proxy which you can check out here. However, … Read more

Industries Being Improved By Cloud Computing

Industries Being Improved By Cloud Computing

In recent years, cloud computing solutions have allowed companies to reduce costs and improve efficiency, leading to direct fiscal benefits. Not only can accessing data and applications online free up physical space for investment or other uses but it also enables near-instantaneous communication and collaboration between team members regardless of where they are located. In … Read more

The Future of Wearable Technology

The Future of Wearable Technology

Designed to mimic everyday apparel, wearable technologies are a rapidly expanding subset of electronic devices. In addition to computing, data transmission, and sensory experiences, they provide a wide range of other services. By providing easy access to information and fusing computing power with the capacity to gather and process sensory data, wearable technology aims to … Read more