6 Best apps to track goals - Top Goal Setting Apps

Goal tracking apps are great because they’re easy to use, help you stay focused and can be super motivating. The thing with goal tracking apps though is that there are so many of them on the market and choosing the right one for yourself can be a daunting task.

The best goal setting app should be the one that gives goal setting guidance, achieve your goals with out making you take more time to achieve them. In this digital era, where we have smartphones and computers with internet, the best goal setting app has been made to help us manage our daily tasks and achieve our goals. These Best apps to track goals can improve your life.

Are you looking for goal tracker apps? Are you searching for the best goal setting apps? If so, you are at the right place.

Fitness, savings, work performance, money management, net worth or any other goal you can think of is probably much easier to achieve if you track your progress. But tracking it yourself is hard, which is why there are hundreds of fitness trackers out there to make your life easier. This brings up the question: which fitness tracker should I use to meet my goals?

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Tracking your goals has a lot of important advantages. For example, making a progress report will notify you how long you’ve been doing a certain activity. Such a practice will remind you that time is running out and that you need to be more productive. If you have been procrastinating too much, the best way to make things go from bad to worse is to ignore them, don’t give up and track your goals regularly by writing them down.

The beginning of the year is a great time for setting goals. According to Forbes, 38% of us make resolutions at the start of each year. That’s crazy. How many of you actually stick to your resolution? Hence, why making goals is harder than it should be.

If you want to be a productive person, there is no secret: you need to know the right tools and techniques which will help you achieve your goals and your dreams. For you to be able to manage your time more effectively, you will need the right tools on hand. If we consider the question of how to be a productive person, we see that this is a function of using the right tools to measure our time and productivity, as well as undertaking techniques that will allow us to set the right goals for ourselves that will move us forward in life.

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Why should you start a goal planner app in the new year? Goal planning apps for iPhone and android can help keep you on track and keep your focus so you can achieve more each day. I’ve been keeping a goal planner app on my iPhone for the past 2 years and it has helped me reach many of my goals in that time. Goal planning apps can also add a sense of accomplishment to your daily routine, when you check something off the list, no matter how small it may be.

Have you ever set your goals in writing… and stuck with them? I know, it probably hasn’t happened yet. But check this out… people who write their goals down are more likely to accomplish them! Thinking of setting some goals for the new year? Want to finally start making your future dreams come true? This is an amazing app that will keep you moving forward towards them!

Dr. Gail Matthews, at the Dominican University in California, led a study on goal-setting with nearly 270 participants. The results? You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.

Life is unpredictable and that’s why we need some tools to help us stay on track. Tracking our goals helps us stay motivated, achieve better results and ultimately higher levels of happiness. There are a wide variety of apps available to help you achieve your goals and keep your life on-track. Here is a list of the top 10 goal tracking apps that you should consider using in 2021!

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These are the 6 Best goal setting and tracking apps right now:

Goal setting apps and goal tracking apps fall under the self-improvement category. These apps will help you set and achieve your life’s goals in a systematic and efficient way. There are many free and paid apps available so you should be able to find an app designed for your needs.

Goal setting is very important for all areas of life. The problem is that few people take the time to set goals. This is why goal tracking apps can be such a huge help! Whether it’s goal setting for weight loss, sales, efficiency, fitness it doesn’t matter. Here we will list and review some of the best goal tracking apps available.

Let’s get started.

Strides: Goal & Habit Tracker

Best Goal tracker for iPhone

Strides the Best Goal tracker for iPhone
Strides the Best Goal tracker for iPhone to Track Habits + SMART Goals
Strides Goal Tracker is the perfect companion to achieve your goals. It's simple, flexible and easy to use. You can track anything - good or bad habits. Strides is well made, clean, simple to use, and has a beautiful interface. 

If you’re looking for a way to stay on top of your goals, you’ll want to check out Strides. It’s an app that helps you stay on top of your goals, good or bad habits, and SMART goals. The one thing I love about this app is that they are very flexible. You can structure your goals however you’d like with its simple yet powerful interface.

A big reason why it works for me is because of the accountability factor. The cool thing about their reminders is that you can schedule them based on any time interval - it doesn’t have to be weekly or monthly. It could be daily or hourly if that’s what you want.

Track anything you want:

You can track anything you want with four types of goals: habits, targets, projects and averages. Each type can have a streak calendar to monitor streaks, a target date to help achieve the goal by a specific time, and a minimum number of days to serve as a minimum time for streak calendaring.

Powerful reminders Daily, weekly, week days, etc.
Powerful reminders Daily, weekly, week days, etc.

As students, parents, athletes, professionals… there are so many aspects of life to keep track of. With Strides Goal Tracker, you can plan out your day-to-day activities with 150+ templates, or create your own tracker. Add powerful reminders like Daily, Weekly, Timeframe (like every other Friday), and much more. View your progress reports in one place, stay green or red depending on pace, and much more! Never forget what you need to do again!

The Best tracking app for parents

Your phone is the perfect size for capturing great ideas, so why settle for any goal tracking app? Strides was created to take advantage of your iPhone’s big screen and gorgeous display. It was created to take advantage of its powerful processor to provide you with the best experience possible.

Reach your Target goal value by a specific date
Reach your Target goal value by a specific date - 3. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or rolling Average.

Strides is a beautifully designed, highly functional goal-tracking tool that will change the way you think about your goals and how you reach them. Creative professionals can benefit from setting clear, quantified goals to help them make better decisions when it comes to the projects they choose.

Strides is a goal tracker for iPhone that packs a punch. It helps you track multiple goals and habits, and includes features for helping you stay on track.

Track good or bad Habits with a streak calendar
Track good or bad Habits with a streak calendar and 4. Complete a Project on time with milestones.

Strides is a powerful goal tracking tool for iPhone. It integrates seamlessly with your favorite apps and devices to help you achieve success faster. It’s free forever to track your life goals.

Strides Plus is a feature-packed goal tracking app for iPhone and iPad. Already a favorite app to help you make goals, track habits, and reach your goals, Strides Plus adds even more features, including Unlimited Trackers, Sync between devices, iCloud backup and restore of workouts, tags & filters for goals and habits. You can Export data from your trackers for analysis in Excel or other spreadsheet applications, printable PDF or JPG reports of your progress over time at any date.

This is one of the top rated app to set and track goals on your iPhone and Android.

Strides Plus Premium is a monthly subscription for $4.99/month or an annually recurring at $29.99/ year.

HabitBull Goal and Habit Tracker

Best Goal setting app for android and iOS

Habit-Bull Daily Goal Planner Best To Do List Streak Tracker
Habit-Bull Daily Goal Planner Best To Do List Streak Tracker

Habitbull is a multi platform application that can run on Android, iPhone, Mobile web, and desktop web. This app is used to help you achieve your habits without complicating your life.

There are so many habits and routines you can keep track of. The good ones. These are the ones which help you live a better life. Whether it’s exercising, meditating, eating healthily, learning a new skill or watching your favorite TV show or cat video on YouTube, HabitBull is the best way to track them all!

Easily keep track of all your habits, routines and repeated to-dos!
Easily keep track of all your habits, routines and repeated to-dos!

It uses a proven and modern approach of using a mobile phone and an Internet connection to allow you to track your progress and success – so you can finally form new, healthy habits – and stick to them – for life!

The HabitBull goal tracker app is fully customisable according to your schedule and different habits. Simply set the time of the day that you would like to do something and HabitBull will track it. Get notifications for when you need to do something important and track how many days in a row you’ve achieved your goals.

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With HabitBull, you can measure and track anything and everything. It works like a To-Do list — but less boring and you only need to check it as often as you like! If you want to track your eating habits, for example, just tap the HabitBull icon and “habit” into your daily food log. Follow your own schedule and track your own goals.

HabitBull will remind you to take your vitamins, call your mum, enjoy your dinner, watch your favorite TV program, etc.

HabitBull will remind you each day to track a bad habit. The smart tracking system records how often you’ve track a habit and shows your progress. Each day you will be reminded to report on your progress and keep you honest!

Simply start tracking bad habits like nail biting, smoking or drinking too much.
Simply start tracking bad habits like nail biting, smoking or drinking too much.

Simply start tracking your bad habit and HabitBull will track your daily score without any effort on your part. Once you have seen the patterns in your progress, it becomes easier to break the habit.

HabitBull is a straightforward habit tracking app that allows you to create a list of habits, record the date and time you were successful, and how long it took to succeed. Best of all, it also allows users to create a list of bad habits, such as nail-biting or smoking cigars. In order to track a positive habit, you’ll have to be successful for multiple days straight in a row. By doing this for a negative habit, you can break down the temptation and keep your hands off those chips.

Instead of focusing on negative habits and logging your failures, HabitBull allows you to log positive actions and keep track of how often you do them. Use the new habits section to add things like 3 hugs per day, 5 push ups every day, or 1 nice thing to someone every day.

The HabitBull Goal tracker application allows you to track any habit you want, in a fun and easy way. Mindfulness is the key word here. The app is designed to allow you to achieve these habits in a natural way, without overthinking or being too strict with yourself. The main idea here is that, by tracking them, you are more likely to maintain them.

This HabitBull is a smart, fun and cute way to maintain your New Year resolutions or your Good Habits. Take a photo of your habit and set a goal – the HabitBull will let you know how you’re doing.

A Highly recommended app for planning, setting and tracking your goals easily.

Download For iOS and For Android

Way of Life - Habit Tracker

Best goal setting app for Everyone

Way of Life Best goal setting app for Everyone

Way of Life is one of the best goal setting app to help you develop healthy habits and break bad ones. It’s simple and intuitive to use, and has been effective in helping people make positive changes in their lives.

The developers of this mobile application designed it to be the best app for creating good habits and eliminating bad ones. To reach your goals, you should pick either a goal or a habit then track them with the Way of Life app.

Powerful reminders with flexible scheduling and custom messages.
Powerful reminders with flexible scheduling and custom messages.

Way of Life helps you to improve all areas of your life by identifying what are the most important goals in your life, and designing a system to help you achieve them. Whether you want to be a better person, have more energy, become the life of the party, or just keep a check on your bad habits, Way of Life will help you achieve it!

The app aims at helping users establish and maintain their health and well-being through tracking their daily habits. Users can also share their progress with friends and families via social media. It also helps users get out of bad habits such as smoking or cutting down on alcohol or caffeine intake by tracking the number of days they have kept to their new, good habits.

Organize all your habits with customizable tags
Organize all your habits with customizable tags
Way of Life is a fun, motivating way to help you achieve your goals. Pick a goal action (Eat more veggies, work out 4 times/week), tell the app whether that action is good or bad for you ("good"), and then get to work. As time goes on, watch your data—that's your life. At the end of each session, input what happened for one positive, neutral, and negative consequence.

Way of Life is designed to run on your phone natively, because native apps are faster than web apps. It uses the latest in cloud design because it just works better there. Way of Life is optimized for modern processors, because newer chips are faster than old chips. And the interface has been hand-tuned multiple times to find the perfect balance between aesthetics and function.

A beautiful, intuitive habit tracker that motivates you to build a better, stronger, and healthier you
A beautiful, intuitive habit tracker that motivates you to build a better, stronger, and healthier you

With these charts and graphs, you can spot positive and negative trends in our lifestyle, and overload the good ones and ditch the bad ones. Whether you want to lose weight, save money, stop smoking, quit drinking, or get more exercise, you will be able to set goals and keep track of your progress.

A well designed goal and habit tracker for all ages.

Download For iOS and For Android

ATracker: Goal Setting app for Tracking Time

ATracker Goal Setting app for Tracking Time

ATracker is a highly customisable, easy to use Android and iPhone app that helps you to stay focused on your tasks and goals. With ATracker you can maintain a simple list of personal goals, or create a rich set of hierarchical goals to complete daily habit building. Whether it’s a task to do with a friend, a goal for a project at work or school, or goals related to health and fitness training; track them all in ATracker.

ATracker can help you users save time and make the most out of their day by helping manage various hourly, daily and weekly routines. Whether it be a simple to-do list or a timer to gauge work time, ATracker will provide a holistic perspective on your activities. It helps you take control of what you do with your time and provides specific insights into where, when and how you spend it.

Show activities on any given date. Add missed or modify existing activity
Show activities on any given date. Add missed or modify existing activity

It does this by capturing the activities that occur each day, and placing them into sets of repetitive tasks, called Goals. For example, if you commute to work every day, the ATracker will record it as a Goal called Commute. If you take a break from work to check email for 10 minutes every afternoon, the ATracker will record it as Email Center Break. By tracking these activities as Goals, you can gain valuable insights after a few months have gone by.

ATracker is a goal setting app that helps you think smarter, not harder. Based on the principle that it’s easier to measure what you’re currently doing than to deduce what you should be doing, ATracker measures your activity stream and lets you set goals based on how much time each activity takes.

Track time of Baby or child daily activities
Track time of Baby or child daily activities

You can set a better swing for your golf game by teeing-up a goal to put in a certain number of practice swings a day, or gain a new perspective on your finances by tracking total hours spent browsing online versus reading versus studying versus watching TV.

A small reminder goes a long way towards building a great habit. Simply add a new habit for yourself, and then add the time when you're going to do it in this nifty time tracking app. It even keeps track of how long or short you take to complete a task, so you'll know if you need to move faster or slower. All your data is recorded for you in a nice breakdown so you can see what areas need improvement.
Track time of different tasks and projects at work
Track time of different tasks and projects at work

The ATracker goal setting app helps you create healthier habits by tracking your daily, weekly, or monthly progress toward your goals. With convenient pie charts, graphs, and reports, you can get a bird’s-eye view of where your time goes. And with the ability to track both daily and weekly activities, this app is perfect for both short-term and long-term goals.

Set your goals and complete them on time with this accurate near perfect goal tracker for your smartphone.

Download For iOS and For Android

Coach.me - Creating Good Habits

Best Free goal tracking app

Coach.me - Creating Good Habits Best Free goal tracking app
Coach.me is the best tool to achieve your goals. It allows you to track your daily habits, meet accountability partners and hire a real coach for an affordable price. Try it now for FREE!

It’s a simple program to personalise your goals, reach them, and create good habits that stick—online or offline. This is a completely free goal tracking app.

A great way to form new habits is with Coach.me, a “virtual coach” that works in your browser and on mobile devices. It doesn’t just give you reminders and encouragement, it shows you progress on graph charts and plots your data when you track your goals.

Use Coach.me to build the habits you want, by pledging real rewards for reaching goals. With features like work streaks, activity streaks, streaks for consecutive days for several habits, and video chat with your coach, it’s the best app to help you create good habits.

You’ll love how simple it is to build and track your progress. Set a goal, track your progress and earn rewards for staying on track. Whether you’re trying to quit smoking, get in shape for your best summer ever, or just kicking your bad habits, it has got you covered. Add the dates that match the length of your goal and Coach.me will generate a daily calendar that can be seamlessly integrated into your life.

Download For iOS and For Android

Habitica: Best Goal tracker for Gamers

Habitica Best Goal tracker for Gamers

The Habitica goal tracker is the best app for gamifying your life. Conquer dragons, slay epic beasts, and accomplish any quest in a fun way that will help you stay focused on that workout regimen, or hitting that next client sales quota.

With a progression and reward system that rewards your accomplishments along the way, Habitica turns any goal tracking process into a fun adventure with challenges and quests to be completed.

Habitica is an app designed to help you track your real-world habits and improve your productivity. The app gives you in-game rewards when you complete chores (or informal habits that you’d like to develop into habits); in-game punishments if you break rules or slack off.

Keep track of all the tasks in your life by turning tasks into habits, tracking them with Habitica’s simple tracker tool if you’re completing them, and letting Habitica’s systems help motivate you.

Habitica is an open-source habit building game that combines RPG elements, productivity tracking, and social support into one addictive package. Check off tasks to gain experience and gold. Buy weapons, armor, potions, and pets. Defeat “boss” habits like smoking or staying up too late with specialized avatars you can customize.

Habitica transforms your to-dos into a fun, interactive game. As you check off each task, you’ll gain gold and experience that you can use to equip your avatar to fight monsters and earn more rewards. Plus, keep motivated with our unique checklist features and an achievement system that lets you track your progress as you achieve your goals!

The premium subscription removes advertisements, increases the amount of Habitica Gold you earn, and allows you access to all Habitica features. If you choose to subscribe, payment will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of purchase. The current price for a Premium subscription is $4.99 USD per month or the pro-rated price of $14.99 a quarter ($14.99 a 3 months, $29.99 every 6 months, and $47.99 a year). 

One of the best goal setting app with rewards and other cool features.

Download For iOS and For Android

What are goal trackers and goal setting apps?

A goal tracker app is an awesome research tool. It is exactly what it sounds like. It is a set of tools and metrics that help you keep track of your goals and progress towards those goals. Goal tracking apps are designed to help you monitor every aspect of your goal, from how you feel about it to how active you are working on it. 
The best part of a goal tracking app is that the information from your tasks, emotions, thoughts, and progress is neatly displayed in one place.
Choosing the right goal-setting app becomes an important task when you are setting multiple goals for yourself. These apps can help you streamline your choices by guiding you on the specific areas where you need to focus.
The idea is to give people something to strive for so they achieve bigger things in life. Our ability to focus on the process of reaching goals instead of constantly thinking about the end result has been scientifically proven to provide us with lasting change.


The one app that seems to be the best at making me accomplish my goals is The Duo Task App. This app is great because you can prioritize your tasks it also tells you how much time you'd need to take off of work, etc., if you complete your tasks for the day. Moreover, you can even set deadlines on certain tasks so if they aren't completed by the deadline, the app will send you a text message or notification of some sort reminding you to get those tasks done.

There were a number of goals that you would like to achieve or accomplish, starting from buying a new toy or vehicle, trying out a new sport or cooking a delicious dish, to losing weight and getting fit. There are numerous benefits of reaching your goals, such as improving your lifestyle and health, boosting your confidence and feeling more accomplished. But this is easier said than done, especially when there are other things to take care of.

Have you set any major goals lately? If not, start now. Goals are very important to living a happy and healthy life. Setting goals is the first step to reaching your dreams. If you feel like setting new goals is hard try using one of these apps to help you reach them.

In today’s society, most people tend to lose focus of their goals and objectives.  Various researchers have been working towards solving the problems that arise from having a scattered mind. They have made many attempts with brainwave entrainment, sensory deprivation chambers, and several cognitive behavior techniques but have come to the conclusion that the best way to beat procrastination is by setting goals to attain in life.

Keep your New Year’s resolutions with one of these apps.

Every new year, people make resolutions to reach different goals like losing weight, quitting smoking, learning a new language. But many of us have trouble reaching our goals. As I’m sure you are aware by now, there is tons of information available on how to set up quality goal sheets. If you feel that you are getting nowhere with your goal setting, then you should try some of these apps that can help you achieve your goals in no time.

This article is basically for people who are looking to have a goal or want to set goals for themselves. You can set any goal of your own. It would highly be beneficial if you tell yourself that it’s not just goal setting app but it’s you who is making things happen by your own.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what happened yesterday. It doesn’t really matter how you are feeling at the moment. What matters is where you are headed for tomorrow. You can’t plan for tomorrow if you don’t know what today will bring.

With all the digital advancements, goal setting apps seems to be a new category people would love to try and download on their iPhones and android. The high demand has led to a lot of different goal setting apps in this industry. Some of the apps are free while some charge subscription fee.

Now, we want to hear from you: what is your pick? What do you think about this list of best apps to track goals?

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