Fix iPhone 12 Keeps Dropping WiFi Connection?

Are you facing the issue of iPhone 12 keeps dropping WiFi connection? Well, this happens with almost all devices at one time or the other. Nowadays, mobile internet has become an integral part of our lives and hence we use it for professional and personal purposes. We can’t even think of a day without WiFi connection and that is why we must fix this issue ASAP.

I’m sure most of us have been annoyed with the issue of iPhone 12 keeps dropping WiFi connection recently. I’ve faced the annoying situation and here I am with a good and practical solution just in time to help you.

Fix iPhone 12 Keeps Dropping WiFi Connection

If you’ve had a frustrating afternoon with your iPhone or iPad, then there’s a chance that it’s fallen victim to the latest piece of tech-support advice that’s doing the rounds. Just like everything else in life, iPhones and iPads aren’t infallible. They may be getting smarter every day, but they still suffer from the occasional glitch — just like we used to when we were kids!

There can be a number of reasons why you’re iPhone 12 keeps dropping WiFi.

Steps to fix iPhone 12 keeps dropping Wi-Fi connection issue

So how can you find out what’s causing your iPhone 12 to drop Wi-Fi? Is it something you can fix yourself? And if not, do you need to upgrade your hardware in order to achieve a permanent fix?

Well, in this post we’re going to walk you through some of the common fixes that you can try for yourself, but also suggest some simple network tests that might be able to give you an early indication of where the problem is coming from before deciding whether your next step should be to take things up with Apple or not.

1. Update iPhone Software

If you own an Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, you probably know it’s important to update your device whenever a new version of the iOS operating system is released. This is because previous versions can contain bugs that are fixed by updates, making your device run more smoothly and safely.

Update iPhone Software to fix iPhone 12 keeps dropping Wi-Fi connection issue

To check you’re on the latest version of iOS, open Settings > General > Software Update

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When you install an update, note that it could take a while for the iPhone 12 to reboot after the process completes. This is normal so just have patience. Also, if your iPhone 12 takes an unusually long time to display the Apple logo upon reboot, it might be a battery drain issue. A low charge can lead to longer boot times. Just connect your phone to its charger to prevent this from happening in the future.

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2. Restart iPhone

Restart iPhone

If iOS is up to date, your next step is to restart the iPhone 12 and test the connection again. It may sound like this is an obvious step, but there is something about actually physically doing it that helps you really remember you need to do it. If the issue persists, move on to some of the other solutions listed further down this post.

If you’ve been having trouble keeping a data connection on your iPhone, then perhaps performing a soft or hard reboot might be just the ticket.

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3. Check Network settings

It’s also worth checking that your iPhone’s time and date are correctly set, as this can cause occasional connectivity issues.

The first thing that I would recommend is checking your WiFi settings, as your phone may have switched off Wi-Fi to save power. To access these settings, go to “Settings” > “Wi-Fi” and make sure the wireless switch is set to on/green.

To confirm whether you have disabled Wi-Fi on your iPhone, check the top bar on your phone’s screen for a signal strength indicator. In the lower-left corner of the screen, there should be a Wi-Fi symbol. This appears when you’re connected to a network that is broadcasting a Wi-Fi signal.

If this isn’t present, you can reenable Wi-Fi by tapping Settings > Wi-Fi and then tapping the blue On/Off slider to turn it back on. Airplane mode may also disable your Wi-Fi connection because it turns off all of the wireless radios that connect your phone to other devices and networks.

4. Reset the Network Settings

Resetting the network settings erases and optimizes all saved information about available networks and WiFi hotspots, and puts the device back to its original factory settings.

Go to Settings > Reset and select the Reset Network Settings option.

To resolve this kind of situation, you will need to reset its network settings. By resetting network settings you will lose all the network settings that you have configured on your device like connections to other devices like printers, direct connections with other computers using AirDrop, and so on.

After resetting, check to see if things are working as intended.

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5. Forget Wi-Fi network

Forget Wi-Fi network

If you’re experiencing problems with your iPhone connecting to a particular Wi-Fi network, you’ll need to forget the Wi-Fi network on your device, and then reenter the details. Forgetting a Wi-Fi network removes all stored information about the network, including connections and passwords, and is only intended for use when you know your Wi-Fi network is having problems.

Go to Settings > Wi-Fi then tap on the network name and click on Forget This Network

6. Check Wi-Fi password

Lastly, the password itself may have been somehow corrupted or changed to something unrecognized by your iPhone or wireless router. In this case, it is recommended that you change the password to a new one, granting you access again.

7. Check WiFi signal strength

I’ve been testing a lot of Wi-Fi routers lately and I’ve found that signal strength is the number one thing that makes a difference. For example, my old house had a dead spot in my bedroom where the Wi-Fi wouldn’t work at all. This caused problems connecting to the cloud from iOS phones.

Check Wi-Fi Signal strength on iPhone:

Go to Settings app > Wi-Fi, and see how many bars are there on Wi-Fi symbol. More the bars better the signal.

All mobile devices have a pretty simple mechanism for showing the strength of their connections. You will see bars on the screen which correspond to the signal strength. The more bars, the better. If you are seeing one or two bars, it means 90% of your signal is gone.

Your phone’s Wi-Fi works in the same way. Typically, your iPhone should show 3 bars when getting an excellent signal. However, if you’re seeing just one or two bars, then there is a major issue with your connection.

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8. Reset all network connections

Resetting all network connections may restore your iPhone’s network functionality and clear out any issues in the process.

Go to Settings > General > Reset then select the Reset All Settings option.

9. Reboot the router

Some people say that they have to turn their iPhones and/or iPads on and off to get them to connect to the internet. This can be a good solution if your phone still doesn’t work after rebooting the router, but you should try turning off or unplugging your router first. You can also sometimes fix this problem by changing the DNS settings on your WiFi router.

Why are you doing this? The reason is the modem, or router, has a sort of short-term memory. When you reboot it, it forgets how it’s connected to the internet. So if you turn your modem off and then back on again, it will try to reconnect to the ISP by starting at its first known internet address - typically the router. When its first attempt at talking with the router fails, it goes back to square one and starts again. It’s like putting your modem into sleep mode instead of completely turning it off, but with less power being consumed.

10. Disable Wi-Fi assist on iPhone

This is all well and good if you’re connected to a fast network and the Wi-Fi network is poor. But if you’re connected to a slow or downtrodden Wi-Fi signal and actually really need the data, it can cause havoc for some.

To turn off Wi-Fi assist :

Go to Settings > Mobile Data and scroll down, toggle off the Wi-Fi Assist option.

Let’s say you’re on a train and as it rumbles along you lose your Wi-Fi signal. Your iPhone swings into action and switches over to 4G/3G as the Wi-Fi is deemed unreliable. When this happens, things like iMessages and FaceTime conversations can become interrupted or fail completely.

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Wrapping Up

Another possible source of the problem is that the Wi-Fi network you’re connecting to might be so busy that it cannot process any more connections. This can manifest itself in your Wi-Fi setting on your phone being on, yet showing no networks being available, or occasionally even it saying there are networks available but they have no internet connection. This is sometimes called a captive portal.

It’s not uncommon for an iPhone 12 or any other smartphone to suffer from something that’s known as Wi-Fi connection drops . It happens to phones across all manufacturers, including iPhones , Samsung Galaxy phones, Google Pixel phones and others. When this does happen, it can leave you in a situation where you are no longer able to use the Internet or make calls because of this issue.

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