In this article you will learn, how you can check if your MacBook Air or any other Mac device has already have Ruby pre-installed. You have to use the linux terminal of your MacBook to do that.
And after checking the Ruby language version we will install Ruby on Rails and the more advanced developer version of Ruby language on your MacBook if needed.
Updating and checking Ruby language is pretty easy and can be done with 2-3 commands. So, for the starters the difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails is; the former is a programming language and the latter is a Web framework. So, the Ruby on Rails is a Web framework which runs on the Ruby programming language.
Also check: Install Polyglot on Mac
So, let’s begin now:
Check if Ruby is installed on Mac or not?
Open the terminal app on your MacBook or iMac and enter the following command:
ruby -v
if ruby is not installed on your Mac, you will see this :
command not found: ruby
if your Mac comes with pre-packaged ruby language, you will see the following:
ruby 2.6.3p62
You can also use the Which command to know the version and the location of the installed Ruby package.
which -a ruby
You can use the pre-installed version of Ruby language for small and even bigger projects. but, I , personally prefer the full-fledged version of both Ruby and Ruby on rails (framework) for my projects.
So, I will show you the exact steps needed to install Ruby on a Mac Operating system:
Yo have to do the following:
- Open mac terminal
- Install and update the Ruby language package.
- Install Xcode (if not already installed) (The official Apple developer tool)
- install Homebrew
- And, configure settings
First thing We have to do is
Install Homebrew.
Enter and run the following command on your Mac:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Homebrew installs various packages that you will need for software development on your mac OS.
It installs packages to the own directory and then symlinks their files into /usr/local
Installing Ruby on Mac
I am installing the 3.1 Ruby version using the below command:
After Homebrew is installed, you can now install Ruby on Mac.
brew install rbenv ruby-build
Configuring Ruby versions on GitHub
Now register on Github if you don’t have an account and we replace the name and email address.
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global "Jasvinder Singh"
git config --global "[email protected]"
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
Now run the following command
cat ~/.ssh/
and paste it here.
Now run the github verfication command to see if the syncronization is working properly:
ssh -T [email protected]
You should see something like this:
You've successfully authenticated
Now install Ruby On Rails on Mac
Enter and run the following:
gem install rails -v
Now verify the Ruby on Rails installation with this command:
rbenv rehash
Now both Ruby and Ruby on Rails are installed on your Mac Os.
You can also install the sqlite3 from homebrew for setting up the database for more robust performance:
brew install sqlite3
Install MySQL server and client from Homebrew
brew install mysql
The default user is root and without any password.
That’s it Ruby, Homebrew and Ruby on Rails are now updated and installed on your Mac OS.