My Study Life Review: Planner for Students - Teachers

Student planners are an absolute necessity in today’s educational system. It is no secret that the educational environment has been uploaded with challenges for students. But it is not all bad news, there have been improvements such as better planning systems that help organize the needs of students and teachers alike.

These tools are known as student planners and are used by students to help them keep track of their academic goals and teachers to assist them in keeping records of their students.

Best Planner App for Students

My Study Life is a feature-filled planner and goal tracker
My Study Life is a feature-filled planner and goal tracker

My Study Life is a great tool for students to organize themselves and their school work. It is also easy for teachers to use for grading homework and keeping track of course assignments. My Study Life provides a clear overview of what is due, what is overdue and what has been accomplished. It’s so easy to manage everything through the app that it almost feels like having your own personal classroom assistant by your side. If you are a student or teacher it’s really one of those apps that makes your life easier!

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In this My Study Life review we have taken an in-depth look at the service and have discovered that although it’s a little lacking in places, when it comes to keeping track of your classes and revision sessions - it definitely can’t be beaten. Ultimately My Study Life wants to do one thing, and do it well. By integrating calendars across platforms and letting you keep track of classes and homework from mobile to computer, it certainly does that.

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Features of My Study Life - School Planner

  • Keep track of your classes and exams.
  • View your class and exam times in a week, month or day view.
  • Set up repeats to keep yourself on track with assignments.
  • Never forget an assignment again with push notifications.
  • Track your tasks - homework, assignments, reminders and revision.
  • Store your tasks with ease in the cloud, accessible anywhere.
  • Store exams - keep those all important exams alongside your classes and revision tasks.
  • Find your timetable - using My Study Life’s timetable feature; you can access your schedule from anywhere.
  • View by day, week or term - view all of your upcoming homework and exams on one simple list!
  • Completely free - unlike other apps that make you pay for features My Study Life is completely free. Features no in-app purchases.
  • My Study Life is the only cross-platform study planner to help you manage all of your education life, from exam timetables to homework to revision notes!

If you want to be organized and track your progress through uni, My Study Life is the app for you. My Study Life is a study planner, task tracker and exam database all in one place.

With My Study Life you can…

Track your tasks - homework, assignments, reminders and revision. Store your tasks with ease in the cloud, accessible anywhere.

Store exams - keep those all important exams alongside your classes and revision tasks.

Share your study schedule with friends and family so they know exactly what’s going on with you at any given time!

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Get reminders in advance of upcoming deadlines so that nothing slips through the cracks.

Manage your classes - your paper planner, turbocharged. Supporting day and week rotation timetables, advanced academic year/term support and integration into tasks you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

My Study Life is a brilliant idea, and in the spirit of sharing sorted information, we’d like to tell you why. It’s a cross platform application that allows you to put all aspects of your school life into one place. Gone are the days of trying to remember if that was a homework due next Tuesday or Thursday.

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You could have my study life open on your desktop, phone and tablet which means you’ll never miss an assignment. It fully supports the standard UK academic timetable system and is great for universities who may use alternative systems.

The ability to access your planner from anywhere on any device is incredibly helpful for students. What’s more, the cross-platform nature of this application makes it a great choice for any type of student that happens to be in the midst of their studies. While it does have a steep learning curve at first due to the sheer amount of information that you can input and customize, it provides users with an incredible way to organize their daily schedules, their assignments and exams and any other information that might be helpful during the school year.

The Verdict

My Study Life’s biggest appeal is the price, its free. If you’re someone who relies on a paper planner to get through your classes and find Conflicts, this app will be invaluable. Add in iCloud sync and you literally have access to all of your homework and exams on any device.

That makes it particularly appealing to students taking at least one class which covers management information systems, or MIS Classes. It could theoretically pay for itself in study time if the features, details and notes stored within it are all covered during those classes.

Overall, we feel that My Study Life is a very functional application that can help students and teachers organize their school life better. It is easy to use and intuitive, which is something that most students will appreciate. Of course, this app isn’t a cure-all for the busy student but it is certainly an excellent tool to add to a student’s arsenal in order to make organizing their schedule a bit easier.

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