Running can be a chaotic experience. There’s a lot going on: from where your foot is landing to whether you’ve got the right shoes. And then there are the other noises: traffic, the radio…a barking dog? We all want to improve our running, but sometimes it’s hard to stay in the zone. That’s when having a trained professional running coach on speed dial comes in handy.
Let’s face it: Going for a run can be a drag. Whether you’re running on pavement or trails, for 5 miles or 30 minutes, sometimes it’s hard to motivate yourself out the door. But Nike Run Club can help. It has got the motivation to keep you going.
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The app offers customized training programs that adapt as your fitness level changes (It’ll ask how far you want to go and adjust accordingly). Use on-screen audio and visual cues to guide your workout, choose from warm-up music and training plans tailored to where you want to go (whether that’s a 5K or a marathon), plus more!
When you’re facing the inevitability of a tough run, Nike Run Club is one of your greatest allies. There’s an instant switch in mood, when you have an interesting or motivating course on. “It definitely helps to accelerate your energy. The company designed Nike Run Club to be accessible, motivating and flexible enough to suit even the busiest of lifestyles.
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Running is for everyone–from beginner to elite athlete, anyone can move better and get fitter by training smarter. Run Club will enable you to log your runs, analyse training data and progress, follow your friends, and beat their times with the all new Nike+ GPS.
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It’s not just about running though. Whether you are a runner, cyclist or triathlete, we have feature sets for you. Running Club offers complete customization for any run with the Nike+ Run Club app or the Nike+ Sportwatch GPS-watch.
Themacios Nike Run Club Verdict
In an age of distraction, it’s nice to have a bespoke soundtrack. The Nike Run Club app is for those who want to go off piste and find running routes that suit them – be it on hot asphalt or muddy mountain trails. Featuring the voice of the - frankly amazing coaches, it takes you from wide avenues to narrow city streets, with only your feet and (occasional) traffic noise for company.
If you’re thinking about transforming yourself from a gym-goer to a mindful runner, consider the Nike Run Club app. I couldn’t have done it without this app guiding me every step of the way.
Yes, Nike does sell shoes, but really it wants to be your enthusiastic running coach. The app offers a lot for free, including instructions on how to do different kinds of runs like, say, a fartlek workout or track intervals.
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Nike Run Club App Setup
The app is remarkably easy to set up. Users can opt for an account using their Facebook and/or Instagram to log in and create a profile. Through Nike Run Club, I’ve been able to convert myself from a gym-goer to a mindful runner over the course of seven weeks — and I’m far from the only one. It’s free, personal, and social.
Users can choose the experience that works for them. It’s fun, spontaneous, and connected. The Nike experience has shifted from gym-going to running in this new age of technology.
The Nike Run Club app has not only helped me transform from a gym-goer to a mindful runner, but it’s also changed my approach to running for the better. I’ve learned how to run more efficiently and reduce my training times. These are the reasons why I love it, and why I think it’s good for any runner.
The app is simple and straightforward, as it lets users seamlessly track their run/workout time and distance using GPS technology. Users can even integrate Nike Run Club with other health-centered apps.
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My secret shortcut to my best run yet? My Nike+ Run Club app. Choose a “run” and the app plays an audio track with a coach. This app turns your regular runs into a personalized and guided run club. You can create a schedule tailored to you — combining whatever distance, pace and intensity you want — and get coaching from experts.
The Nike Run Club app is great for new runners, with features that support beginners and experienced athletes alike, like customizable music playlists and the ability to integrate other apps like Nike+ GPS.
Nike Run Club Features
Runners have different motivations for getting out there every day, and Nike Run Club has them all covered. People who want to customize their workouts can follow a guided run or create their own interval training session. People who want to race can find a 5K run at a local park, or sign up for an organized fun run like the Nike Women’s Half Marathon.
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And people who just want someone to talk them through a quick sprint can start a “push” run on the app to get guided instructions from an on-screen avatar.
From warmup to cool down, Nike Run Club caters to your needs. With more than 1,600 guided runs available in the app and dedicated training plans, it’s never been easier to get started on your fitness journey. All you have to do is press ‘start.’
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Day one of Nike Run Club, and getting started is pretty easy. You have three main options for your days runs. Get Running which simply launches you on a run based on your goals and general pace; Guided Runs which give you some motivation and structure to your day’s run; or Free Runs which are completely open to whatever you want to do and wherever you feel like going.
Nike’s app is good at giving you what you need, when you need it. When you open the Run Club tab, the app shows a series of heart-rate suggested runs, with end time and difficulty rating. If you’re not in the mood to do a guided run, you can create your own customized plan.
One of the questions I asked ahead of running with the app was about pacing based on my past runs. Usually when you create a running profile in an app, you can go into it and see some run data pop up about pace and distance. But unlike other apps, Nike’s Run Club doesn’t force you to give up that run data. You still get your GPS track and info from those runs – just press the heart icon and those runs will pop up on the app’s map.
The Nike Run Club app is fine. There are really two different approaches you can take with this kind of software. I think of it as a tool that’s there to help you map out a run and then either motivate or give you information about the run itself. Or you can view it as something that’s there to entertain and socialize around the act of running. We’re in the second group, obviously, and that seems to suit most people who use this kind of app well enough.
Nike Run Club is a new way to experience running. It offers a great mix of audio feedback, coaching, and community inspiration regardless of how far you run or your pace. Whether you’re taking your first steps into the Nike running experience, or already love running, Nike Run Club brings you everything you need to run better.