How to Count and track steps on iPhone and Apple Watch

Apple Watch is not just a timepiece. It has variety of sensors that monitor your movement, give you options to get information about your physical motion, set goals and monitor progress, start workouts, and even motivate you.

The companion iPhone app offers features that help you get the most out of your Apple Watch. You can sync your data with other apps like Apple Health, MapMyWalk, Strides, etc. I am writing this post to show you how to count and track steps on iPhone and Apple Watch.

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How to Count and track steps on iPhone and Apple Watch
I set out to find out if it is possible to accurately track steps on the Apple Watch and iPhone using Health app. I ended up finding the best way to count and track steps using Health app.

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Steps are the most basic of the health tracking metrics that is built into Apple Watches and iPhones. It counts the total number of steps you take during a day. On the iPhone, our only option to track this is through Apple Health app. On Apple Watch, it can be tracked directly on the watch itself with the use of its own dedicated app called Activity app.

Are you counting your steps? I’m talking about daily step count, automatically recorded and synced with the Health app — and later, MyFitnessPal — on your iPhone or Apple Watch. If you’ve been serious about fitness and health, then accurate step tracking has likely been a part of that. Not only do you get a reliable measure of your overall progress, but daily step count also gives you the ability to set specific targets for yourself. Whether it’s 10,000 steps a day, 25 miles a week or just 2,000 each day, there’s no question that regular motion is crucial to living the fit life.

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Everything you need to know about counting and tracking steps on your iPhone and Apple Watch. From setup to viewing this info in the Health app, get tips from an expert. In this how-to, you'll get the details on setting step goals, see how easy it is to get step counts from your iPhone and Apple Watch, and understand the limitations of the accelerometer.

Count and Track Steps in the Health App on iPhone

The iPhone comes with a built-in step counter. It uses the motion coprocessor (the M chip in iPhone) along with the accelerometer to calculate the steps you take. The Health app stores your steps. You can also input other health-related milestones, including how much weight you’ve lost and your blood pressure readings. The more information you enter, the better picture of your life the app builds up.

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Counting and tracking steps on your iPhone is easier than ever with the Inspirited Step Counter. This app uses the M7, M8, M9, or A10 chip in your iPhone to count steps in the background. 
  1. To get started with your iPhone pedometer, open the Health app–you’ll find it in the Apps section of the Home screen.
    open health app iphone
  2. After you open the app, find the “Steps” section on the dashboard to see your steps broken down by day.
    See steps data on iphone
  3. Tap the Step data to see even more details. You can view a graph of your step count. However, this version is interactive and you can click any point on the graph to view a detailed breakdown of your activity for that day.
    Tap the Step data to see even more details

You can tap any of the markers to see that particular day’s step count. You can even double tap to zoom into that day, and then pinch to zoom in further.

If you track your activity using more than one of Apple’s built-in apps, better still. The Health app pulls data from all of them, allowing you to see the totals in one place.

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You can also add Step counter to iPhone Widgets screen using Pedometer++ app.

You can access Pedometer++ by swiping right from the Lock screen and tapping on the Swipe to widgets icon at the bottom of your iPhone’s screen. From here, you can view your step count as well as other health stats such as your weight, blood pressure and even fitness level.

From here, scroll all the way down to the bottom left to find “Add or Edit Widget.” Tap that, then search for Pedometer++. You should see it appear. Tap that, then tap “Done.” Now you should see Pedometer++ appear in your Today View widgets screen, opposite of “Today Summary.”

Pedometer++ is an app that will help you keep track of how many steps you take every day, and helps you achieve your step count goal. It works by using the built-in motion coprocessor in your iPhone to count your steps. When you open the app, it will show your current step count, and it has a simple set of controls that let you start a new day, or reset the progress data. The goal for this app was to make a widget that could count steps directly from the Lock or Home screen on the iPhone.

Check these apps for Weight Management

Noom, Weight Watchers, MyNetDiary, Lose it.

Check out the detailed review about Best Pedometer app for iPhone and Apple Watch and install any of the listed step counting pedometer apps.

Count and Track Steps in the Health App on Apple Watch

Carrying around your iPhone in your pocket, purse, or pack all day is like carrying around an extra weight with you. 

Apple Watch contains a sophisticated pedometer. The significance of this is that Apple has created an excellent way to track your steps. When used with iPhone, Apple Watch is even more powerful. You can record all kinds of data, including your heart rate, weight, calories burned, and sleep patterns (and others) using the Health app on your iPhone.

  1. To find your step count, press the Digital Crown on your Apple Watch.
  2. Open Activity app from the app launcher.
  3. Scroll down to the “Total Steps” section to see your step count for the day.

Since I got my Apple Watch last year, I’ve been tracking my steps every day. And I’ve not only helped me track my health but has also helped me keep it. It tracks so much more than just steps, including the distance I have traveled, hours slept, heart rate and even calories burned among others. But despite being able to store so much information on this watch, you cannot really track your progress of your goal unless you use the right apps!

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The default watch face on your Apple Watch is the timepiece equivalent of a beautiful painting. There are eight variations of the default watch face, most of which are designed to give you quick access to essential information by displaying data in the form of various complications.

The default face contains three complications: Notification, which allows you to see your most recent notifications; the time; and Activity, which shows how close you are to reaching your hourly activity goal.

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With this useful Apple Watch app, you must only lift your wrist to view the time, and see how many steps you have taken today. Seeing your step count right on your Apple Watch is all it takes to keep motivated towards reaching your daily goal of 7,000 steps!

Anyone who uses their Apple Watch as a fitness tracker already understands how convenient and useful it is to be able to quickly and discreetly check the progress of your day. Now, with watchOS, you can view even the slightest changes in your daily step count without pulling out your phone. Count steps and view step-related activity summaries right on your wrist with just a flick of the wrist.

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Install Pedometer++ app and, go to the watch face on your Apple Watch’s Home screen. Press and hold the display, and then tap “Customize.” Swipe left to edit the complication view. Go through the complication list using Digital Crown until you see the Pedometer++ complication. Press the Digital Crown to save the layout.

Some thoughts on Counting steps on iPhone and Apple Watch

Do you step? We mean, do you actually step? Keeping a daily step count is an easy way to keep track of your progress and to encourage you to work out. If 7,000 steps a day isn’t enough, see how many miles you can log by week’s end. In addition, as a part of the Health app, Daily Step Count gives you the power to set specific goals for yourself.

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Counting your daily steps is a good first step to take if you’re serious about your health. If you’re trying to lose weight, monitoring your steps can go a long way toward making sure you’re exercising enough each day. For example, the American Heart Association recommends between 7000 and 10000 steps each day for general health.

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