LocaToWeb Real time GPS tracking - iPhone Android

LocaToWeb is an easy to install and use GPS tracker for iPhone and Android devices. Friends, family and colleagues can follow their loved ones’ GPS locations live on any browser. It’s even more convenient when used with a laptop or desktop computer.

Today, most consumers own a smartphone. However, there are situations where it’s still necessary to know where your family members and friends are. For example, in case of some kind of danger or health concerns.

LocaToWeb Real time GPS tracking - iPhone Android
LocaToWeb Real time GPS tracking - iPhone Android

Best iPhone tracking app

LocaToWeb is a cell phone and internet connected GPS tracking system that works by sharing your location with friends and family over the internet in real time. No ads, no costs, unlimited tracking history on your own secure online account.

It uses GPS, but it’s not about directions. It is a real-time location sharing tool for individuals, families and teams. Friends can track your location in real time. You can also share your location with an unlimited number of followers, even if they do not have the app installed.

Best tracking app for parents

It is also an innovative way to track children or other people. As soon as the app is installed on a smartphone this information starts to be shared automatically. This means that a user can choose to share his location with friends and relatives when going on a trip, or with colleagues and managers at work time.

When you’re on holiday, the most important thing is to have fun. One of the easiest ways to make sure your holiday goes to plan is to plan it! No matter how good your navigational skills are, there’s always one thing that will make it easier: a GPS tracker. A good tracker will ensure that you get where you need to be while also giving you the added bonus of being able to see where you’ve been on a map when you get back home.

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Can Parents track Children with LocaToWeb App?

If parents want to track their children using this app, can they do that? The answer is yes.

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. You send your child off to school and assume they’re safe, but what if there was a way you could make sure they arrived safely? What if the ride there was safe too?

Ever worried about children being online? Worried about them being tracked? Well, now you have no reason to worry. With LocatoWeb App, you as a parent can access your child’s location at any time and know for sure when he/she gets to school, when she comes home and even where he goes after school. All this is possible with this app so that parents can monitor their kids‘ locations 24/7.

Does apple watch have gps tracking?

LocoWeb is a family and kids GPS app. Its uses include parenting, hunting, fishing, and other kinds of outdoor activities tracking. While being able to track children’s or parents’ location can be beneficial in many situations, it can also pose certain risks to the child’s privacy and security. Parents should carefully consider these risks when trying to choose the best family GPS tracking app for their needs.

Best Apps to Track Kids

I always supported the idea of parents tracking their children’s phones and still do. The decision is entirely up to parents. However, it’s important to know that there are options on the table. Some tracking apps allow you to track all phone activity placed through the target device. Then there are applications that offer only partial control over cellphones.

Track Outdoor activities on your iPhone and Android devices With LocaToWeb

LocaToWeb makes it easy to track a variety of outdoor activities, such as biking, running, hiking or even road trips. Simply set the location from where you will start and create an alert when you start moving.

It allows you to monitor multiple users on the same map, preserving their privacy by giving them unique tracking code and icons. It has been designed to be used while running, biking or hiking, but it can be used for any purpose (e.g. road trips) and is able to capture photos using the device camera in real time as you track.

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The LocaToWeb Race App is a fun way for runners to compete with others. Runners can view their progress in real-time on the race map, and get live updates via the main screen of what position they are in and how much distance they need to close in order to finish ahead of another racer. Runners also can gain access to elevation data and speed information in real-time. All this information is available both on the app, as well as at locatoweb site.

Tracing the way is a great fun, but if a tracker doesn’t provide high accuracy and precise results, the adventure may turn into a nightmare. One of the most important things to remember when choosing the right tracker is to test it first. LocaToWeb GPS tracking app is a handy tool you can use in different modes, including GPS accuracy test and signal reception one. And see all data in your personal LocaToWeb account with no extra charge.

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